Tuesday, 20 November 2012

To what extent are your chosen texts typical of their genre?

'Sin City' contains various conventions and characteristics which are typical of its genre. The film has a hybrid genre, which mixes certain elements from the comic book and film noir genre to create a unique representation of a cynical and corrupted city.

The female characters within the film are represented as femme fatales, which are typical of the film noir genre. This is due to the time period in which film noir became popularised, with post World War II introducing the want for womens rights. This typical film noir convention of femme fatales can be seen in the scene in Old Town, which is purely ran by women. In this scene, we are introduced to Jackie Boys job, linking to the film noir genre of corrupt cops. We see Jackie boy repeatedly approach Becky in a car, later threatening her if she does not do way he says, later leading to his death from one of the prostitutes. This representation of women using their sexuality to lead male characters to their down fall is typical of the film noir genre and within 'Sin City'.

The protagonists within the film are also typical of both the film noir and comic book genre. This can be seen in the character of Heartigan, who in the start of the film we see struggling from a heart condition. This 'damaged element' of the protagonist is typical of the film noir genre.